
Admission Policy

Children are admitted into ILM Schools in the September after their fourth birthday and leave seven years later, at the age of eleven. Parents interested in entering their children should put their child’s name on the waiting list as we have limited spaces in each class.

Please note: the deadline for applications for Reception admission is the first week of December prior to the year you are intending to enrol your child at the school. For example, if your child is starting in September 2023, your application must be made by the first week of December 2022. All applications after the first week of December will be considered as late admissions. We will review late admissions on a case-by-case basis however applications submitted on time will be prioritised over late admissions, based upon our usual framework (which can be found under the ‘Policies’ tab).

We strongly advise that parents secure a back-up place for their child at another independent school or a state school in the event that we are not able to offer your child a place at ILM Schools.

To register on the waiting list:

If your child is in Year 3 or 4 please contact the office as we currently have spaces available. 

If you would like to register a place for your child on the waiting list please click on the link below and fill in all sections.  Once you have completed this form, your details will be added onto our database and we will be in touch with you when a space becomes available. 


When a space becomes available for your child, we will contact you with further requirements.


These will include:

- Entrance Assessment/Interview

- Payment of a £100 registration fee

- I.D document for your child, e.g., birth certificate or passport

- Your proof of address from the last 3 months, e.g., a bank statement or utility bill.


Registration Form:

Registration Form

 We thank you for your patience and understanding in advance. 

Fees 2024-2025

Reception - Year 6 

ILM Schools is an independent school therefore fees are required to be paid for every child that attends. 

Number of Children Yearly School Fee
1 £3582
2 £6806
3 £9672
4 £12,180


     Terms and Conditions

ILM Schools is an independent school that receives no state funding. The school fees must be paid TERMLY or YEARLY in advance, or in exceptional situations only, monthly for 12 months. ALL fees must be paid by Standing Order. Monthly fees must be paid by no later than the 5th of each month. Should a parent require payment on a monthly basis, they are required to consult the school in the first instance. Please note that the fees do not cover optional expenses such as educational visits, workshops, resources fees, uniform, hot lunch, and club’s. 

Equal Opportunities

Whilst applicants will be treated fairly and without discrimination, parents and guardians of an applicant who has a disability, special educational needs or developmental issues are advised to provide this information in writing on the registration form, so that we can assess those needs and make sure the school can provide adequately. As an independent school with no funding from the Local Authority or Welsh Government, we do however reserve the right to not accept an application should we identify any additional learning needs that the school cannot reasonably accommodate. If a child develops additional learning needs in the time that they are with us, due to our limited ALN resource base, we reserve the right to recommend other educational settings if we are unable to meet your child’s needs. This will be in line with our ALN policy.   

Admissions Process

To apply for a place on the waiting list at ILM Schools, parents and guardians should complete a registration form online. A copy of the child’s birth certificate or passport for admission to the relevant year group will be required. A non-refundable registration fee of £100.00 is also payable at this stage. In addition, we will also need a copy of the applicants latest school report. Only once we have received this documentation, will your child be selected for the second stage of interview and assessment. 

We will only accept applications from when the child turns two years old.  If the applicant is selected, both parents and the child will be invited to an interview and your child will be required to complete an entry assessment. If a pupil does not pass an entry assessment, they may remain on the waiting list and can reapply in the future, giving the applicant the opportunity to focus on their academic development.  

Non-payment of fees and/or extras

The school fees must be paid for 12 months from September to August. Should the standing order payment fail to reach the school account at any time, the school will issue a verbal reminder, after which parents have two weeks to make the payment or to arrange a payment plan with the school. If this is not done within two weeks, a written warning will be issued after which another two weeks will be given to make the payment or set up a payment plan. Finally if after two reminders, no payment has been made or plan arranged, the pupil will be withdrawn from the school register. All debts must be cleared before the parent or guardian can apply to re-register the child. If still no payment is made after the withdrawal of the child, the debt will be forwarded onto a debt collections agency who will deal with the parent or guardian directly. 

Parents may make an appointment to discuss the financial situation should they need to. Appointments can be made through the school. 

Withdrawal/change of status

A full term notice of intention to withdraw a child permanently from the school must be given in writing to the head teacher, otherwise a full term’s fees will be payable.

Absence during term-time

Except in the case of illness, no pupil may be absent from the school without prior permission in writing from the head teacher. The head teacher will only authorise 2 weeks holiday after which a child must be withdrawn from the school. Parents will then need to reapply for a place. Please note that it is a legal requirement for all children under 16 years of age to attend full time education. Parents can be prosecuted if they are found guilty of allowing their children out of school for no reason. Parents who remove their children from school during term time will be liable to pay school fees whilst their child is on the school roll.








Terms and Conditions