Year 3

Dear Parents/Guardians of Year 3 pupils,

Asalamalaykum and a very warm welcome to Year 3!

The Year 3 teachers are Ustadha Hanan (3 Marwa) and Ustadtha Anbrin (3 Safa) . 

Context for learning

This Autumn half term, we are looking at my favourite topic, "We Love Reading!". We shall be reading various text, fiction and non-fiction, based around this theme as a means to develop a love for reading. We shall continue to build on our 'reading for pleasure' culture in the classroom by reading daily, having a weekly home-school book and accessing our online Bug Club accounts. In topic we shall be building our knowledge about various authors, including Muslim authors. In Science we shall be conducting experiments to learn more about the different properties of materials.


All pupils have weekly spellings which they are expected to learn.

Homework will be set using Google Classroom and personal homework files.

We shall also be focusing on times tables: 2,3,4,5,8 and 10. This includes knowing the division facts too e.g. 2x5=10 , 5x2=10, 10 divided by 2 =5,10 divided by 5=2.  Pupils can access their TTRS accounts 24/7!

A homework choices grid is issued every half term and pupils are expected to complete homework from there, it can be found below and on Google Classroom. I hope you enjoy supporting your child with these activities and take an interest in the topics we explore in school.


Class Dojo will be updated regularly to keep you up to date with the learning, it will also be used to send out any reminders. You can contact us via the school office or via the ClassDojo app. 


The children will be doing P.E. on Wednesday Please ensure your child comes to school wearing grey jogging bottoms and black trainers on this day. A water bottle is also needed.

With best wishes,

Ustadha Anbrin 3S and Ustadha Hanan 






Spring 1:

We Love Reading!



Homework choice board: 

We Love Reading!