Year 2
Teacher : Ustadah Amna
Teaching Assistants : Ustadha Suhr
Class information
Welcome to Year 2!
We are looking forward to all the fantastic learning that we will be doing in Year 2 this year. We aim to make the learning in Year 2: creative, interactive and as practical as we can!
Some class information is as follows:
Our P.E day is Wednesday so please do remember to send your child in their P.E kit on this day.
We will send out weekly homework which will consist of: your child's weekly spelling to practise, a reading book with their reading log book for you to record your comments, and a maths worksheet for them to complete.
Please note: You MUST return your children's Spelling log books and reading logs EVERY WEEK! Without these Logs we cannot issue your child's new books and spelling for the following week! Please do support your child to think of and write out sentences of at least 5 of their spelling words. Support them to look up the meanings of any of their spelling words that they do not know the meaning of.
Homework will be given to your child on Friday's and we expect it back in school by Wednesday . Please ensure that your child has their book bags in by Thursday ready to take their homework home on Friday.
Spelling tests for year 2 will be on a Friday.
Your child will get termly homework, which will be a homework grid where your child will get a choice of what homework they would like to complete and present.
Our new topic
- Off to work we go!
Monster Phonics
We have started learning Phonics through a new scheme called Monster Phonics. Please click on the logo below for more information.
Below is a video explaining how Monster phonics accelerates learning and how it works:
Watch the monster phonics video to help you sound out some words.