Welcome to Reception class - Busy BeesTeacher: Ustadah Nagina
Teaching Assistant: Ustadah Hafsa & ustadah Ayesha
Assalamu'alaikum warakhmatullahi wabarakatahu,
Welcome to our reception class here at Ilm Primary School.
We aim to provide a wonderful learning environment for the children in the Foundation Phase, that is full of care, fun and excitement! We have many enjoyable activities, learning experiences and learn through a variety of exciting topics in reception class. We’ll be learning and memorising essential prophetic duaa’s and will be praying Dhuhr salaat in congregation on a daily basis, in sha Allah.
We are so excited to have you all on board!
Autumn 2 'Fantasy World'
IQRA! Read, read, read is our motto in spring term one! We'll explore various fairy tales and fiction books through our new topic 'Fantasy World'. We'll look at rhythm and rhymes and try to string some rhyming words together. Fi fo fo fum... We'll venture into the land of amazing alliteration and create our very own too. Baking gingerbread men will be heaps of fun in-line with our T4W story 'The Gingerbread Man', we'll try and eat them before they run away! Our role play area will convert into a bakery with numerous treats to bake and sell.
In maths we'll explore odd and even numbers by making pairs and make and find doubles. We'll compare mass and length. Revisit 1 more, 1 less and number composition. We'll look at the passing of time and use the concept of time in terms of our daily activities and look at how long tasks take.
We’ll be exploring our outdoor, literacy, maths and investigation areas with a variety of activities to keep us busy with independent and enhanced learning. We have lots to discover and learn.
Please login to Class Dojo for further information.
PE Day
Reception class have their PE every Wednesday, please ensure they wear the correct kit; grey jogging bottoms and black trainers for the lesson. Please ensure ALL ITEMS of uniform are clearly labelled with your child’s name (ideally stitched so it does not fade in the wash)
JazakAllahu-Khair for your continuous support
Please click on the welcome letter tab below for important information of school start times and dates. Click here for the Welcome Letter 2024
To stay connected with your child's learning and for communication please login to Class Dojo by clicking the link below.
Mid Term planning 'Fantasy World‘
High Frequency Words Phase 2: please click HERE.
In reception we follow a high quality Phonics program called Monster Phonics. Please Click the blue Monster Phonics Icon above to access some information about the scheme.
Here are the Monster Phonics pure speech sounds below
Here are the colour coded Monster from Monster Phonics, they help us learn long vowels, tricky words and silent letters.
Please click on the image for simple number facts!